With the latest WapMod1.5 by matt you can easily redirect Opera Mini and Iphone users to your smf wap2 or mobile view without editing a single php line manually. It now supports smf 2.02 you don’t really need to emulate any older version to install it. With the redesign and nice view WapMod1.5 adds to your smf wap2 view it becomes appealing to run mobile add in your wap2 view fortunate enough google gives you the code and guide you need from your adsense configuration page just choose your desired display format (xhtml default for smf ) choose support for all phones copy the code and paste it in a notepad save it with any name of your choice and make sure it ends with the extention continue reading from this link WapMod1.5 Best for smf wap2 option to easily run ads, adsense in wap/ mobile
Home » WapMod1.5 Best for smf mobile/wap2 view with option to easily direct opera mini and Iphone users can run ads, adsense in wap/ mobile
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to customize your smf wap2 / mobile / wireless view so as to display your custom header and footer links including custom copyright information just copy and paste this in notepad, dreamweaver or any other html editor and save it with any name of your choice .php eg footerlinks.php
next step now is how to make your link (the link you 've created ) display in your header and footer throughout your smf forum to do this
1. log in to your cpanel navigate to your forum root directory where you have ssi.php upload the link you 've just created in this case upload footerlinks.php
2. navigate to theme / default /Wireless.template.php
3. download the Wireless.template.php (backup in case you mess up with the settings) then edit it with any html editor
4. to display the link on the header locate where you have read full guide oh how to display your links in the footer etc
you are 100% right cuz thats what i use in my forum and i did some additional work in it to make it work perfect for my own liking
you must be very good at php then , forget to tell you I visited your forum 'twas really nice with sleek design. any way thanks for dropping bob
Nice post bro…the redirection issue in the previous version really posed alot of problem since it required to inputed manually and couldn't be done by some newbies in php.
To add, I recently Created a Post on how to insert ads immediately after each post. you might wanna check it out here. http://guruszone.net/scripts-modifications/how-to-insert-ads-after-first-post-in-smf-wapmod-wap2-template/