I will have no remorse at all if any one chooses to pick offense with the points I am going to state here! They are facts and real as hell! This is 2013 and not 1990, Responsive design is no more considered a crime same way a fast loading page is encouraged.
I personally prefers a blog with good design, better user experience, well optimized pages and few good articles to the ones with tons of articles, awful design, too many adverts and heavy images, this is because every one of us have got other activities to attend to and will not have as much as 5mins to wait for those your heavy pages to load fully. The 7 valid reasons below will not only force me to increase your blog or website bounces but will also motivate me to preach to my friends about not wasting their time visiting your blog. Here are the seven reasons why I won’t wanna spend time in your blog!
You are Very Parsimonious
Frankly speaking, I do not have any problem with those rapacious and avaricious individuals who have chosen to make extreme stinginess part of their daily lives, what I have and will always have problem with is when they bring such into business. Believe it or not professional blogging is like a business setup and must be handled with great professionalism following all known ethics and etiquette. I once cautioned a newbie tech blogger whose blog logo was a stolen image of a “cat sleeping over a horse”, This is the question i do ask most bloggers around me whose logo is below par when rated on a scale of 1/65; of what use is fiverr.com to you? to them it is just a place to make money off other bloggers and never a place to purchase logo designs that will add professionalism to their blog for $5 or less. I usually identify the blogs of tightfisted individuals at my first visit and will always try to increases their bounces without any form of remorse.
Your Design is so Awful
I have once stumbled on a blog via google search without bordering to read the useful tutorial it ‘ve gat for me ‘cos the design was so terrible. I will not want to go blind ‘cos of your wicked color combination and stressful banners. Always try to ask for review among friends, in public forums and facebook groups to see what novice, newbie and pro-users think of your blog’s design, this will definitely go a long way in improving the user experience of your blog. If you think that your design isn’t good enough and all your reviewers are novice, you can book for a professional review in micro-freelancing sites such as fiverr.com or gigbucks.com, you can also opt for a professional to do the design for you at a very decent budget.
You are so Fake
No matter how long it takes me to discover that you are a fake person, I will always increase your bounces when I happens to find it out. How do I spot a fake blogger?
His name is fake
His news are false and intended for getting traffic and user’s attention
His claims are lies and never real
His traffic stat is unreal same as his sources
He promotes illegal contents without any form of remorse
He uses many usernames to comment on his own blog post
His Giveaways aren’t real, they are just intended at wasting user’s precious time ……. the list goes on and on
Why your reason for deciding not to use your real name for blogging can be validated, what about building engaging relationship with your readers? If after following your blog for sometime I happen to find out you are just a make-believe fellow I will cease coming to your blog and push the bounce button when google mistakenly brings me there.
You are more interested in money and advertisement
Most persons are now blogging for the sole aim of making few bucks online, this isn’t a bad idea if you ask me! The bad part of it is that they now flood their homepage with about 12 different banners including that of google adsense and affiliate banners not mentioning that the post page and archives have double of that figure. This is is a very bad practice that must be avoided if you don’t want persons like myself to run away from your young blog.
Pop-Up Ads : They can be too annoying at times, nothing in this world will make me wait for 10mins to like a blog I don’t even know the content before I am granted access, social pop-up do help but pls always give us the chance to close them without waiting for minutes.
You are very Silly
Sorry if the “silly” part sounds so harsh, this is only because I can’t figure out what word to describe a blogger who is so badmouthed to his followers and readers. I can’t forget the day I visited such stupid bloggers that insulted me simply because I requested for a guest posting opportunity, same for a blogger who replied to my comment in his blog as if I am less a human than the others who clearly understood what he was teaching about. The act of Disparage is one of those habits I will always encourage you to dissuade yourself from as a blogger who is always interacting with the general public.
Your blog is so heavy
I am too busy for any heavy blog, after-all there are many free tips out there to help you optimize your blog images, css, JavaScript, Videos and the likes so as to have a fast loading blog with amazing speed and improved load time. Even search engines will hate your blog for taking so long to fully load. This is the time you need pay keen attention to your blog’s optimization for speed and improved user experience.
Your Grammar is terrible
It might not necessarily be your fault, English Language might even be your 6th language, but that will never matter to a first time visitor of your blog. If you have chosen to blog in English language , then you must be willing to invest on it, either by employing prove-readers or learning the language yourself, you don’t expect us to understand your dis-jointed, comic, caricature of a joke called blog post. How are we even gonna get past the first paragraph when the first 2 phrases is full of bad punctuation and spellings ? Get serious and get busy to helping us stay longer in your blog by doing the right thing. article Source: Tips for reducing your blog’s Bounce Rate
all this factors need to be take care of to decrease blog bounce rate, nice one dude