Final fantasy 14 mounts are rides players can summon to transit from place to place. These Mounts vary, as they can be special unicorns, Sabertooth, giant turtles, and lots more. These mounts are obtained by following peculiar procedures. In this article, you will learn about the List of FFXIV mounts and how to get them for your entertainment or other uses.
1. Adamantoise
The Adamantoise mount is awarded from the Maderville Gold Saucer. Purchasing 200,000 MGP (Manderville Gold Saucer Points) from the Gold Saucer Attendant speedings the whole process.
2. Aerodynamics System
The Aerodynamics system mount is obtained after completing the achievement In a blaze of Glory V. You are required to win 100 matches in fields pf Glory with one of the Grand Companies. Please note that fields of glory are unlocked for players who have already unlocked the frontline.
3. Ahriman
Also known as the Voidal resonator. The Ahriman mount is unlocked when you pay for an active 90 days subscription. Please not that this mount is a rank 3 reward.
4. Aithon
To unlock the Aithon mount in the final fantasy IV, you are required to be on the ‘Ifrit Ain’t Broke’ quest, completed ‘ Quake Me Up Before You O’Ghomoro’ and you must have also defeated Titan in the Navel Extreme. Note that it is a level 50 trial and it requires 8 players.
5. Alte Roite
The Alte Roite mount is obtained by winning then using the ‘Alte Roite Prism’, dropped from Deltascape V4.0 – Savage.
6. Amaro
The Amaro mount can be obtained by completing lvl 80 in all DoW & DoM. You can also get this mount by obtaining completing the ‘Life of Adventure IV’ challenge.
7. Amber Draught Chocobo
The Amber Draught Chocobo is a two-seater mount that can be obtained by trading 8 Gold Chocobo feathers to NPC calamity salvaged. You can get good Chocobo feathers through the recruit of a friend campaign. Please note that recruiting a friend earns you 5 Gold Chocobo feathers.
8. Aquamarine Carbuncle
The Aquamarine carbuncle mount requires a special Mog station. Only holders of the account can make use of this mount. The Aquamarine carbuncle mount is available for use by multiple characters in the Mog station.
9. Archon Throne
The Archon Throne mount is awarded from the Manderville Gold Saucer. You can earn Gold saucer points from mini-games such as Triple Triad, Chocobo racing, and lots more. You could also purchase up to 750,000 MGP to quickly gain access to this mount.
10. Astrope
The Astrope is a two-seater mount that is gotten when you collect the ‘I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me VI‘ achievement. You get this achievement when you complete 2,000 duties via the Duty Roulette: Mentor.
11. Battle Bear
The Battler bear is a Warrior mount that requires Warrior achievement in the expansion of Stormblood. This achievement requires you complete 300 dungeons.
12. Battle Lion
You must become a Paladia to unlock the Battle Lion mount. It is unlocked after you have gotten the Paladian achievement in the expansion Stormblood ‘Tank You. It requires you to complete 300 dungeons (61+), extreme trials (61+), duty roulette dungeons, or leveling duties (50-60).
13. Battle Panter
The Battle panter mount is gotten upon acquisition of the Dark knight achievement in the expansion of Stormblood. It requires you to complete 300 dungeons (61+), extreme trials (61+), duty roulette dungeons, or leveling duties (50-60).
14. Battle Tiger
The Battle Tiger Mount is obtained by completing the “Tank you Gunbreaker 111” achievement. This means you must complete 300 dungeons or extreme trials (lvl 61+), or 50, 60, 70, and leveling roulette as a Gunbreaker.
15. Behemoth Horn
The Behemoth Horn is gotten when you pay for an active subscription of 270 days. It comes with the Rank 5 reward.
16. Bennu
The Bennu mount can be used by multiple characters, it is obtained from the Mog station. upon purchase, the Bennu mount is applied to all characters on the service.
17. Black Chocobo
The Black Chocobo is a fly mount for the Heavensward (3.0) expansion pack for Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn. It is obtained by completing the Main Scenario Quest ‘Divine Intervention’.
18. Black Pegasus
The Black Pegasus mount from Gold-trimmed sacks named ‘Night Pegasus Whistle’. Gold-trimmed Sacks are found on floors 151-200 of Palace of the Dead, This is a dungeon located in the Black Shroud.
19. Bomb Palanquin
The Bomb Palanquin mount is obtained from the Kobold tribe quests. It is required that you must have reached rank 4 reputations with Kobolds. Please note that Kobold daily quests can be unlocked after completing the level 40 Highway Robbery’ quest.
20. Boreas
Boreas is a drop from shiva in the Aka Afah Amphitheatre. To get this mount, you are required to complete the quest ‘Let Us Cling Together,’ and have cleared The Striking Tree (Extreme).
21. Calvary Drake
The Calvary drake mount is obtained from Amalj’aa Beast Tribe Quests. Must reach Trusted – Rank 4 reputation with Amalj’aa. Amalj’aa daily quests can be unlocked after completing the level 43 ‘Peace for Thanalan’ quest
22. Cavalry Elbst
The Calvary Elbst mount is obtained from Sahagin Beast Tribe Quests. Must reach Trusted – Rank 4 reputation with Sahagins. The Sahagin daily quests can be unlocked after completing the level 44 ‘They Came from the Deep’ quest.
23. Centurio Tiger
The Centurio Toger mount is gotten after completing the ‘You Got Game’ Achievement. You need to kill 3000 A ranks and 2000 tanks to get this achievement.
24. Ceremony Chocobo
The Ceremony Chocobo mount is obtained from the Gold Plan and Platinum Plan of Eternal Bond for Ceremony of Eternal Bonding. It is required that you and your partner must have identical promise wrestlers to undertake the quest “The Ties that Bind”. Both players who are getting married must purchase the same plan either they both purchase gold or they both purchase platinum.
25. Citrine Carbuncle
The Critine Carbuncle mount is obtained when purchased through the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Mog Station. This mount can be used by multiple characters. The mount purchase will be applied to all characters on the same service account.
26. Cloud Mallow
The Cloud Mallow mount can be purchased from Mogmul Mogbelly in The Churning Mists, Dravania (x16,y29). It costs 200,000 gil. Please note that you can only purchase this mount if you have reached Sworn reputation with the Moogle Daily Quests. To unlock these quests you need to complete level 50 quest Tricks and Stones. Start this quest by speaking with Seething Stonemason in The Churning Mists (x27,y35).
27. Coeurl
The Coeurl mount can be accessed at level 20. You must have also purchased a personal Chocobo mount. Please note that this mount binds to your account and you cannot trade it.
28. Dark Lanner
The dark manner mount is a rear drop from the Minstrels ballad. To unlock this mount, you must do the ‘Nidhogg’s Rage’ quest. To get the quest to speak to Alys – Mor Dhona (x21.7,y8.6).
29. Direwolf
The Direwolf mount is obtained from the ‘ Fly the Falcon Mount Campaign’ – 1st July to 30th September 2017. To receive this mount you need to of purchased a registered copy of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood and subscribe for at least 90 days playtime.
30. Eurekan Petrel
The Eurekan Petrel mount Drops in The Forbidden Land, in Eureka Pyros, via Gold Coffers
31. Euphonious Kamuy
The Euphonious Kamuy mount is obtained during the Chance to drop from Hells’ Kier (Extreme) Trial
32. Falcon
This mount is obtained from the ‘ Fly the Falcon Mount Campaign’ . Added as part of the celebration of the Stormblood release! To receive this mount you need to of purchased a registered copy of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood and subscribe for at least 90 days playtime
33. Fat Chocobo
This Mount is obtained from the Collector’s bonuses for PlayStation 4. Players with other Collector’s Editions will automatically get this mount
34. Fae Gwiber
The Fae Gwiber mount is a drop from the extreme trial Titania – Dancing Plague.
35. Fat Black Chocobo
The Fat Black Chocobo mount is gotten from a campaign a Japan-exclusive campaign. It involved purchasing chicken and redeem the tokens.
36. Fat Moogle
The Fat Moogle mount is a two-seater mount. It is purchased through the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Mog Station. Please note that this mount is available for a single character
37. Fatter Cat
The Fatter Cat mount is gotten when purchased through the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Mog Station. Please note that this mount is a single character mount.
38. Fenrir
The Fenrir mount is gotten from the Manderville Gold Saucer. You are required to purchase 1,000,000 Manderville Gold points from the Gold saucer attendant. Please note that the Gold saucer is a game center with mini-games such as Chocobo Racing, Triple Triad, and other activities. that earn you tokens (MGP). They can be traded in for Gold Saucer specific rewards.
39. Firebird
To get the Firebird mount, you re required to obtain all seven lanner mounts, which are outlined below:
- White Lanner
- Warring Lanner
- Sophic Lanner
- Round Lanner
- Rose Lanner
- Dark Lanner
- Demonic Lanner
You also required to complete the quest ‘Fiery Wings, Fiery Hearts’, after obtaining the lanner mounts.
40. Flame Warsteed
The Flame Warsteed mount requires you complete ‘A Line in the Sand IV’ Achievement. This mount is obtained through Frontline PVP. Must win 100 battles with The Immortal Flames.
41. Flying Chair
The flying chair mount can be crafted by Alchemist Level 70 with Master Alchemist V. You need an 8 x Cloudsbreath & 1 x Riviera Armchair to begin the crafting process.
42. Gilded Magitek Armor
The Gilded Magitek Armor is a mount from player recommendation awards. It requires 500 commendations to receive Gilded Armor.
43. Ginga
This mount is gotten from the ‘Frontline Fury’ achievement. A prerequisite id for you to win 10 Frontline campaigns (PvP). You must do these campaigns while you have a Garo title equipped.
44. Gloria-class Airship
To get the Gloria-Airship class mount you are required to complete the ‘You Are What You Eat IV’ Achievement. This mount is obtained through the PVP arena after you must have won 200 matches with the feast. To unlock the feast you are required to complete level 60 quest ‘A Seat at the Feast’. Speak to Alys in Mor Dhona (X:22,y9). You must also complete the quest ‘A Pup No Longer’ for any of the 3 Grand Companies.
45. Gobwalker
The Gob Walker mount is a drop from Alexander, The Burden of the Father – Savage. (A4S the first floor of Alexander: Gordias – Savage).
46. Goobbue
The Goobbue mount is obtained with the condition that you have to find and speak with the Wandering Minstrel. Please note that this mount is available for a limited time. You must get one before the release of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
47. Goten
The Goten mount is obtained from the ‘Fatal Feast’ achievement. You need 30 matches in the ‘The Feast’ (PVP). Make sure you do these matches while equipped with a Gro title.
48. Grani
The Grani mount is available for all those who purchase the collectors’ edition (CE) of Shadowbringers. You also have the ability to wish for this mount when you upgrade your account to any CE.
49. Great Vessel of Ronka
The Great Vessel of Ronka mount is obtained by trading 18 Qitari Compliments.
50. Griffin
To obtain the Griffin mount, you will need to purchase one of the limited edition (while stocks last) of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward Collector´s Edition PS4/PC BOX/ PC DOWNLOAD.
51. Gullfaxi
The Gullfaxi mount requires you must be on the ‘Quake Me Up Before You O’Ghomoro’ quest, completed ‘Galeforce Warning’, and defeated Garuda in The Howling Eye – Extreme.
52. Hybodus
The Hybodus mount is obtained by completing an achievement linked to scoring at least 10,000 points during a single ocean fishing voyage.
53. Indigo Whale
The Indigo wale mount is obtained when purchased through the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Mog Station. The mount is applied to all characters after purchase.
54. Innocent Gwiber
The innocent Gwiber mount is loot from the Extreme Trial: Innocence – Crown of the Immaculate
55. Iron frog Mover
The Iron frog Mover mount is purchased with 12 x Formidable Cogs. Formidable Cogs are dropped from a specific FATE chain, located in Kholusia.
56. Ixion
The Ixon mount is obtained by trading in 12 Ixion Horn tokens to Eschina NPC, Rhalgrs Wacht (x13.8,y11.7). Ixion Horns are obtained from the Ixion fate. You can also obtain x2 Ixion Horn from completing Gold and x1 Ixion Horn from completing silver.
57. Juedi
With all 4 Empyrean accessories, The Juedi Mount is obtained from Heaven-on-High, speak to Cast-off Confederate to obtain this mount.
58. Kirin
The Kirin Mount is obtained after completing the quest ‘A Legend for a Legend’. To get the quest you must have the Aithon, Boreas, Enbarr, Gullfaxi, Markab, and Xanthos mounts. Once you have obtained all these mounts you can get the quest from npc Wandering Minstrel in Mor Dhona (X:21 Y:8).
59. Kongamato
The Kongamato mount is purchased from the Vath stick peddler for 200,000 Gil. You are required to reach the sworn – Rank 7 reputation with Vath Beast Tribe.
60. Korpokkur Kolossus
The Korpokkur Kolossus mount is rewarded from the Manderville Gold Saucer. It can be purchased using 750,000 Manderville Gold pints from the Gold saucer attendants.
61. Laurel Goobbue
The Laurel Goobbue mount is obtained when you the Trusted reputation withth3e Sylph in Rank 4. It can also be purchased from the Sylphic Vendor for 120,000 Gil.
62. Legacy Chocoboco
The Legacy Chocoboco mount is available for a limited time only. You are required to get it purchased before the release of Final Fantasy XIV: A Real Reborn.
63. Legendary Kamuy
The Legendary Kamuy mount is gotten from the Minisrtel’s Ballad: Shinryu’s Domain or Shinryu (Extreme)
64. Logistics System
The Logistics System mount is obtained after completing the achievement ‘Behind Enemy Lines’. You are required to obtain 200 Frontline victories with the same Grand Company.
65. Lone Hellhound
The lone Hellhound mount is obtained through The Feast Rewards (Season 3) PVP. You are required to achieve a top 100 Solo ranking on your data center.
66. Lone Faehound
The Lone Faehoud is obtained through The Feast Rewards (Season 4) PVP. Must achieve top 100 Solo Ranking on your data center. hen the (Season 4). When PVP ends the top 100 players from each data center will receive this mount as a reward.
67. Magicked Carpet
The Magicked Carpet mount is Purchased from the Mog Station
68. Magitek Armor
The Magitek Amor mount is obtained by finishing the story mode, after which it will be available to level 50+ players.
69. Magitek Avenger
The Magitek avenger mount is obtained by winning 100 “Rival Wings“ – Victories.
70. Magitek Avenger A-1
The Magitek Avenger A-1 mount is Obtained by completing the achievement “Out of Hiding”. This is completed by finishing 100 Hidden Gorge campaigns.
71. Magitek Conveyor
The Magitek Conveyor mount is rewarded at the end of Season 7 The Feast, for the top 100 players per data center.
72. Magitek Death Claw
To obtain the Magitek death claw mount, you will need to trade 6 x Achievement Certificates to Jonathas, located in New Gridania
73. Magitek Predator
The Magitek predator mount is dropped from the last boss Zenos Yae Galvus in the Ala Mhigo dungeon.
74. Magitek Sky Armor
The Magitek sky armor is obtained from Storm Sergeant for 20,000 Wolf Marks via PvP activities.
75. Magna Roader
The Magna Roader mount is obtained at the end of The Feast Season 11 for the top 100 players per data center.
77. Manacutter
The Mancutter mount is a flying mount, which is obtained from doing the Main Scenario Quest ‘Into the Aery. You are required to complete the Aery dungeon level 55-56 to unlock the quest.
78. Managarm
The Managarm mount is obtained by trading 8 Gold Chocobo Feathers to NPC Calamity Salvager. You can get Gold Chocobo Feathers through the Recruit a Friend campaign. Recruit 1 friend and you will receive 5 Gold Chocobo Feathers, so you could recruit 2 friends to afford this mount. If your friend subscribes for 150 days you will receive 5 Gold Chocobo Feathers.
79. Marid
The Marid mount is obtained from Madhura & costs 18 Ananta Dream staff. It requires rank Sworn or Bloodsworn with Anantas.
80. Markab
The Markab mount is obtained after defeating Ramuh in The Striking Tree – Extreme.
81. Midgardsormr
The Midgardsormr mount is obtained by completing the level 59 main scenario quest’ Fetters of Lament’. This quest is from Guidance Node, Azys Lla (x18, y31).
82. Mikoshi
The Mikoshi mount is gotten when you trade 20 Namazu Koban to Gyosho
83. Model O
The Model O mount is gotten from a Chance to drop from Alphascape V4.0 (Savage)
84. Mystic Panada
The Mystic Panda mount is purchased through the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Mog Station. It requires an account to access.
85. Namazu
The Namazu mount is gotten from the Namazu beast tribes in storm blood. To get this mount, you are required to be at level 60 Gatherer or Crafter.
86. Nezha Chariot
The Nezha Chariot is Purchased via the Mog Station
87. Nightmare
The Nightmare mount Is speculated to be a drop from all Ex Primals
88. Original fat Chocobo
The original fact Chocobo mount is gotten from the 7-Eleven promotional event. This is currently only available in Japan. In discussion to bring to America and Europe.
89. Pack Hellbound
The Pack Hellbound is obtained through The Feast Rewards (Season 3) PVP. Must achieve the top 30 Party Ranking in the data centers.
90. Pae Faehound
The Pae Faehound mount is obtained by completing the achievement Leaving a Better Impression II. You need to gain 3,000 player commendations. You are also required to speak with Jonathans on old Gridania to receive your reward.
91. Pegasus
The Pegasus mount can be purchased from the Spoils Collector in The Pillars (x14,y10). It costs 99 Brass Sky Pirate Spoil. You can earn Brass Sky Pirate spoil by trading in gear from the diadem (Exploratory Missions).
92. Portly Porxie
The Porty Porxie mount is unlocked via Pixie beast Tribe quests. Trade 18 Fae Fancies to the Pixie Vendor, located in Il Mheg (12.4, 32.9)
93. Prototype Conveyor
The Prototype Conveyor is a Reward for the top 100 best solo ranked players in The Feast, per data center.
94. Raigo
The Raigo mount is obtained from the ‘Furious Fatalities’ achievement. You are required to win a combination of 60 battles in frontline campaigns and the feasts (PvP).
95. Rathalos
The Rathalos mount is gotten via a chance to drop from The Great Hunt Extreme. It can also be purchased by trading 50 Rathalos Scale+ to Smithy in Kugane.
96. Red Baron
The Red Baron mount is purchased through the Final Fantasy XIV Mog station. Please note that this amount is only applicable to a single character in the Mog station.
97. Red Hare
The Red Hare is purchased through the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Mog Station (requires an account to access). This mount is available to multiple characters.
98. Regalia Type-G
The Regalia Type-G mount is available during the FFXV collaboration event
99. Ramuh
The Ramuh mount is gotten from a drop from Eden’s Verse 4 (Savage). Please note that Eden’s verse is an 8 man raid, released in Patch 5.2.
100. Revealing Kamuy
To obtain the Reveling Kamuy mount, you are required to defeat the Susano Ex.
101. Rose Lanner
The Rose lane mount is a rear drop from the Thok fast Thok Extreme.
102. Round Lanner
The Round Lanner is a rare drop from the Minstrel’s Ballad: Thordon’s Reign. Boss – King Thordan / Type – Trial / iLevel – 190 / Level 60 / 8 players. To unlock this trial you must do the ‘Thordan’s Reign’ quest. To get the quest to speak to Alys, Mor Dhona (x21, y8).
103. Ruby Gwiber
The Ruby Gwiber mount is a drop from Cinder Drift (Extreme). Please note that the Cinder Drift is a level 80 8-man trial released in patch 5.2.
104. Sabotender Emperador
The Sabontender Emperador mount is obtained from the Gold Saucer Exchange for 2,000,000 currency (MGP).
105. Safeguard System
The Safeguard system is obtained when you win 100 matches in the PVP event frontline. You are required to take to Jonathas in Old Gridania afterward.
106. Sanuwa
The Sanuwa mount can be obtained when purchased from Luna Vanu in The Sea of Clouds (x7,y14). This mount costs 200,000 Gil. Please note that you can only purchase the mount when you have reached a sworn reputation Rank 7 with the Vanu Vanu beast tribe. To unlock this quest you need Vanu Vanu quest-givers on Nakki Island in The Sea of Clouds (x6,y14). Players must complete the quest Three Beaks to the Wind (level 50). Start the quest by speaking with Sonu Vanu (x11,y14). You must also complete the Main Story Quest In Pursuit of the Past
107. SDS Fenrir
The SDS Fenrir mount is obtained when purchased at the Mog Station.
108. Serpent Warsteed
To get the Serpent Warsteed mount, you are required to complete the ‘A Line in the Glade IV’ Achievement. This mount is then obtained through Front line PVP. You must win 100 battles with The Order of the Twin Adder.
109. Shadow Gwiber
The Shadow Gwiber mount is a rare drop from the Extreme Trial, The Minstrel’s Balad: Hades’s Elegy
110. Sleipnir
The Sleipnir mount is obtained through the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Mog Station.
111. Sophic Lanner
The Sophic Lanner mount is gotten from a drop chance from the chest in containment Bay P1T6 – Extreme.
112. Starlight Bear
The Starlight bear mount is obtained during the Starlight Celebration.
113. Storm Warsteed
The Storm Warsteed mount is obtained when you go through Frontline PPVP, winning 100 battles with the Maelstrom
114. Striped Ray
The striped Ray mount is purchased from the SHikitahe in the Ruby sea. Please note that you can only purchase this mount if you have reached Sworn reputation with Kojin.
115. Syldra
The Syldra mount is obtained by purchasing the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood Collector’s Edition.
116. Triceratops
The Triceratops mount is obtained by completing the ‘Nuts for Nusty’ achievement. This achievement requires you to kill 2,000 As and 1,000 Ss in Novrandt.
117. True Griffin
The True Griffin Mount requires rank Sworm or Bloodsworn with Anantas. This mount is from Madhura & costs 18 Ananta Dreamstaff.
118. Twintania
The Twitania is obtained by trading 15 Gold Chocobo Feathers to NPC Calamity Salvager. You can get Gold Chocobo feathers through the Recruit a friend campaign. Recruiting 1 friend accrues you 5 Gold Chocobo Feathers. Note also that if your friend subscribes for 150 days you will receive 5 Gold Chocobo Feathers.
119. Typhon
The Typhon mount is obtained via 750,000 MGP from Gold Saucer Attendant located in the Gold Saucer
120. Tyrannosaur
The Tyrannosaur mount is obtained from Anemos Lockboxes, which are dropped from FATEs in Eureka Anemos.
121. Unicorn
The Unicorn mount is mount available to the Conjurers class only. It is required that your character must be at a level 30 and must have completed the class quest, which is a level 30 quest from the guild master of the Conjurers guild.
122. Warbear
The Warbear mount is obtained by completing the ‘But Somebody’s Gotta Do It’ quest. This quest requires you complete 200 high-level full party (8 players) duties as a Warrior
123. Warlion
To obtain the Warlion mount, you are required to complete the ‘But Somebody’s Gotta Do It’ quest. This quest requires you complete 200 high-level full party (8 players) duties as a Warrior
124. War Partner
The war partner mount is obtained by completing the ‘But Somebody’s Gotta Do It (Dark Knight)’ achievement. To get complete this achievement you must complete 200 high-level Full Party duties as a Dark Knight.
125. War Tiger
The war Tiger mount is obtained by completing the ‘Tank you Gunbreaker II’. You are required to complete 200 dungeons or Extreme Trials (lvl 61+), or 50, 60, 70, and leveling roulette as a Gunbreaker.
126. Warring Lanner
The Warring Lanner mount is obtained from the drop chance from the chest in Containment Bay S1T7 – Extreme.
127. Whisper A-go-go
The Whisper A-go-go mount is obtained during the Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Event. You are required to obtain 13 Yo-kai Weapons during the event.
128. Whisper Go
The Whisper Go noun is obtained from the Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Seasonal Event. To get this mount, you must obtain 13 Yo-kai Minions during the event.
129. White Lanner
The White Lanner mount is a rare drop from the Limitless blue -Extreme
130. Witch’s Broom
The Witch’s broom mount is obtained during the All Saints’ Wake (2015) Halloween Seasonal Event. It can also be purchased from the Mogstation for $12.
130. White Devil
The White Devil mount is purchased from the Mog Station for $12
131. Wyvern
The Wyvern purchased from the Bertana in Idyllshire (x5,y5) for 6 Clan Mark Logs.
132. Xanthos
The Xanthos mount is a random drop upon completion of the Howling Eye (Extreme).
133. Yol
The Yol Mount is a reward for completing the Main Scenario Quest in the footsteps of Bardam the Brave.
134. Zu
The Zu mount is obtained by trading an Iron Voyage Spoil to any Resident Caretaker in any housing district.
There you have it – a comprehensive list of FFXIV mounts and how to get them. You advised to follow the instructions listed under each mount to get them. If you have any contributions, feel free to drop them in the comment section below.
Search recipes for this entry:
- ffxiv mount list
- FF 14 pictures of all mounts
This list is missing enbarr (one of the horses to need to complete Kirin) and demonic lanner (needed to finish firebird)
The Demonic Lanner Whistle has a chance to drop upon completion of Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme) or can be purchased from Bertana in Idyllshire for 99 Demon Totems.
Number one reads “Purchasing 200,000 MGP (Manderville Gold Saucer Points) from the Gold Saucer Attendant speedings the whole process.” So WTF does THAT mean? Can you please speak English so people can understand it? I’m sure I will find other such errors, that was glaring starting right out. Otherwise thanks for the guide, and you should review proper grammar and writing.