Write for Us

You must be a blogger or a proven tech person to publish here or on any other site partnering with Us

To prove this you have to provide us with;

    Blogs that you have written for
    At least 3 URLs where your guest articles were approved and published
    Your personal blog or website matching with your username

For the others who aren’t bloggers but loves sharing technology news and tips, you can go ahead and forward your articles, provided you aren’t asking for a link-back except for your social media profiles.

You are also admonished to read some of our existing articles from the existing categories to find out If your guest post will be appropriate for our vast tech focused audience.

Remember to share the post with your social media fans, colleagues and sundry to help garner more exposure.

Rules and Guidelines for Guest Posting in Our Tech Blog

    You must not spin an article and submit to us. We will never accept it
    SEO content writers writing on behalf of a commercial website, business or company should please consider sponsored post instead of guest posting ‘cos we are going to reject your articles before it ever get’s to us.
    You must be a tech blogger to be able publish in our site, links to other websites other than your blog is rel=”nofollowed” by default meaning that we are only going to link to articles that are part of your research for the post you are submitting to us.
    We accept guest articles from non-bloggers only if they are website developers or designers who are giving out custom or source code for their plugins, themes, modules and/or templates.
    Do not bother about publishing for us if you are only interested in building links ‘cos sooner or later your intent will be unmasked

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  • write for us technology
Obasi Miracle

I am a dedicated web developer with interest in blogging and app development. I have lots of buddies and always ready to connect with like-minded pals - See more about me.

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Obasi Miracle