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Top 7 Facebook Tricks to increase fun and Productivity

Facebook a Social networking Platform from whom no one is unknown
these days.  It allows you to connect with anyone all around the Globe
and Chat with them, Share Videos & movies and many more.

As everyone
know How to do basic things on Facebook, Here we will Share some of the
Latest Working Facebook Tricks which make your Facebook Account more
interesting. So let’s Go through these tricks once and use in your Facebook account.


– Update blank status

You can update your Facebook status as blank, Just go to to Facebook Home
now enter @[3:3: ] in your status box

– Post animated (gif) images on Facebook:

other Social networking websites like Google plus allows you to Share
animated gif’s images which really looks pretty Cool, but if your daily
Facebook you would be knowing that gif images are not allowed on FB.
Don’t worry here is the trick to Post gif images on Facebook:-

  • Simple visit Giphy website.
  • Now select a animated gif image which you want to post on Facebook
  • Paste the image the link on Facebook Status and Voila its done !!

– Invite all friends to Like a Facebook page with Single Click

normally use this on my new created pages, If You created a new
Facebook Fan page but don’t have any likes on it.

The best way to get
Likes is to invite your all friends to like a Facebook page, but
inviting your each friend manually takes a hell lot of time. But you can
use the this in one click ;)

  • Log In to your Facebook account and Open the Page for which you want to send invitations to your Friends.
  • Click on Invite friends Option and a pop up will appear.
  • Simply press f12 key from your Keyboard and Chrome Console window will Open.
  • Copy the below posted Code and paste it in the Console window and you’re done !!

var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName(‘uiButton _1sm’); for(var i=0; i<inputs.length;i++) { inputs[i].click(); }

– Backup/Download Facebook photo /Friend Album in a single click:

Do you know you can now  download  Your Facebook photo album with a single click,all you need is to just go to app named
  • Step1: As soon as you get to the above app you are asked to Log in with Facebook just like in above picture
  • Step2: Now choose your friend from whom you want to download photo album you can see an arrow 2 pointing in the above picture
  • Step3: Now choose the album what you want to download
  • Step4: Just click Download button and save photo album to your desired location.
Now You can create a video with your Facebook pictures it is so easy you can go to and log in with your Facebook account.

– Find who unfriend you on Facebook:

  • If you think that someone of your friends has Unfriend you on Facebook and your not able to find who is that.
  • Now you can use this Application to find the one who removed or deleted you from your Profile.

– Post your status in all Your Facebook groups at once:

  • it
    is easy to post your status on your wall.when you want to post status
    in all groups it takes much time and even it is hard using
    simple app it is easy you can post in all Facebook groups at once
  • Go to Multi post application and log in with Facebook.
Samuel Ebuka Odamah

I'm a dedicated writer, an Android freak, a Tech ardent and a fashionista. I love playing around with gadgets, loves football and teamwork in everything I do. You can follow my updates here or on Twitter (@fwesh_finnest).

Published by
Samuel Ebuka Odamah